Warmth AIoT

Warmth AIoT: 

The Heart of Hyodol's

AI Technology 

In winter 6 years ago,

a house of an old man living alone was cold.

We delivered a care robot Hyodol to the house and worried if the robot would be used well.

However, unlike our worries, we found out that the

old man pats Hyodol hundreds of

times and interacts with it.

There were a few days where the movement data

of the old man was not confirmed,

and we heard the news of his death.

Would Hyodol have given him the warmth?

Would Hyodol have warmed up his heart?

Would the old man have felt more

happiness with Hyodol?

The key AIoT technology of wamrth

was started from these thoughts.

Hyodol conducts continuous development with

the key AIoT technology not only for the

sentiment of seniors and parents, but also for

managing health and life environment.

Hyodol Service

An AI care robot Hyodol provides customized care for parents based on the collected data by living and having conversation with parents.

Warmth AIoT: 

The Heart of Hyodol's AI Technology

In winter 6 years ago, a house of an old man living alone was cold. 

We delivered a care robot Hyodol to the house and worried if the robot would be used well. 

However, unlike our worries, 

we found out that the old man pats Hyodol hundreds of times and interacts with it. 

There were a few days where the movement data of the old man was not confirmed, 

and we heard the news of his death. 

Would Hyodol have given him the warmth? 

Would Hyodol have warmed up his heart? 

Would the old man have felt more happiness with Hyodol? 

The key AIoT technology of wamrth was started from these thoughts. 

Hyodol conducts continuous development with the key AIoT technology 

not only for the sentiment of seniors and parents, 

but also for managing health and life environment. 

Hyodol Service

An AI care robot Hyodol provides customized care for parents

based on the collected data by living and having conversation with parents.


Service Flow

Intelligent Personalization Service